
Showing posts from 2018

How To Delete Contact From Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1

Hello everyone, today I'm going to make a post about tutorial how to delete contact from Asus Zenfone Max pro M1 phone. Well maybe some of you who doesn't know would think that "why do you bother to make this tutorial, everyone knows how to do that" , nah unfortunately there are some undeletable contact from your Asus phone, and it happens if it's either saved in your Google account or the sim card from previous phone. So how to solve that? I have few ways to do that and let's check them out! 1. Delete it from your Google account. If you saved it in your Google account, if you aren't sure, this is the easiest way check first before continuing to the other ways, so I recommend you to check your Google account saved contact and if this is the problem, you can just delete the contacts you want to delete from your Google account. 2. Download Third Party Application. You can try to use that application to helps you manage the saved contacts in

BioAqua, Aman Tidak? (Baca jadi Pinter)

Hai semuanya! Hari ini aku mau bikin post tentang brand investigation Bio Aqua, apa sih Bio Aqua itu? Jadi Bio Aqua ini adalah skincare dan makeup buatan Cina, terkenal banget di kalangan online shops dan harganya murah-murah, apalagi cushionnya. Jadi di postingan ini sebenarnya aku sharing thread yang aku baca di Twitter tentang brand Bio Aqua ini, biar banyak yang tercerahkan tentang brand yang satu ini. Tulisan setelah ini adalah hasil copy paste dari thread di link ini yaa, bukan tulisanku jadi aku cuma sharing dan menyunting tulisannya aja biar tidak ada singkatan-singkatan alias biar rapi hehehe.  BIOAQUA (BRAND INVESTIGATION)   Siapa yang belum tau BIOAQUA, akhir-akhir ini lagi hits banget. Cushion foundation dengan hasil aplikasi yang tebal, packing bagus, harga murah. Perfect! Tapi gak juga sih. Pasti ada sesuatu dibalik semua itu. Mencurigakan. Oke baiklah kita bahas tuntas tentang BioAqua ini. logo menjiplak Skin Aqua (Skin Aqua aman ya, yang dibahas di sin